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Rule List

If you want your website under protection, you can add your rules in CasWAF.

This section will provide a detailed explanation of the properties and usage of Rule.

Rule properties

  • Name: The name of the rule.
  • Type: The type of the rule. It can be set to IP, User-Agent and WAF.
  • Expressions: The expressions contains the rule's conditions, including operator and value.
  • Action: The action of the rule. It can be set to Allow or Block.
  • Reason: The reason of the rule. When the rule is hitted and its action is Block, CasWAF would reply a 403 response with the reason.

Manage Rules


In the Rules page, you will see all rules you have created. You can create, edit, delete and view the rule details. But now we don't have any rules.

Add a rule


Just click the Add button, you will create a rule. The created rule will have some default information that you can modify.

Edit rule

After you create a rule, you can click the edit button to edit the rule.


Each field's meaning is as described above, and you can freely modify them according to the actual situation of your website.



Click the Add button in the Expressions section, you Kcan add a new expression to the rule.

Click the Restore button in the Expressions section, you can restore the default expressions of the rule.